Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Nature View Farm Case Analysis free essay sample
Examination OF NATUREVIEW FARM CASE : SUBMITTED BY: MUZAMIL QUADIR ROLL NO. PB1108 Natureview Farm, a Vermont based maker of natural Yogurt with $13 million in incomes is the main common Yogurt brand(24% piece of the overall industry) sold into normal food stores. It has accomplished this through its extraordinary Yogurt producing process through developing individual associations with dairy purchasers in the characteristic food divert set in 2000, when the organization faces money related strain to develop incomes to $20 million before the finish of 2001, because of an arranged exit by its funding financial specialists. The middle of the road choice point that the protogonist, Natureviews VP of showcasing, faces is whether to accomplish this income growyh by venturing into store channel. Pay STATEMENT, 1999 COST OF GOODS SOLD = 890000 GROSS PROFIT = 4810000 EXPENSES = 4550000 NET INCOME = 260000 YOGURT MARKET SHARE BY PACKAGING 8oz______________________________________74%(3%growth) hildren multipack__________________________9%(12. 5%growth) 32oz__________________________________________8%(2%growth) Other__________________________________________9%(NC) AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE($) PACKAGE| ARP IN NATURAL FOOD CHANNEL| ARP IN SUPERMARKET CHANNEL| 8oz| 0. We will compose a custom paper test on Nature View Farm Case Analysis or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page 88| 0. 74| 32oz| 3. 19| 2. 7| 4oz multipack| 3. 35| 2. 85| GOAL: â€Å"Uniquely situated the item to exploit the developing pattern in atural and natural nourishments in supermarket†MARKET NEWS: â€Å"Bellini heard bits of gossip that one of the Natureviews significant regular contender would before long attempt to venture into grocery store channel†MARKET POTENTIAL: A)Industry master foreseeing unit volume development of natural Yogurt at general store of 20% every year from 2001 to 2006. B)These expectations were comparative with unit development projection of 2% to 4% of Yogurt class in the grocery store. DIRECT COMPETITORS| CURRENT PERFORMANCE| STRENGTHS WEAKNESS| IMAGE| CURRENT STRATEGY| NATUREVIEW| 24% market(natural food channel)$13 million revenues| Longer rack lifeOnly in common food stores| QualityHealthyUnique taste| Build relationshipsGenerate revenue| DANNON| 33% market shareMany flavors products| Market leaderArtificial| High visibilitySomething for everyone| Follow customer trends| YOPLAIT| 24% market shareMany items flavors| Brand nameArtifical| Caring brand | Make gains on DannonDifferentiation| COLUMBO| half joined market share| National Distribution| Good for you| Motivation| Grow PRODUCT LINE RO INCLUDE YOGURT MULTIPLE PACKS Natureview Farm ought to extend its effectively fruitful natural yogurt product offering to incorporate to variants of a Yogurt multipack estimated at $3. 35 each. The technique will permit the organization to arrive at their set income objective the speediest because of the way that the yearly development pace of deals of Yogurt multipacks is 12. % versus just 3% for the 6oz size and 2% for 8oz size The net revenues from multipacks are likewise fundamentally higher than those of single servings. Flavors will be looked over lines best flavors yet will be given imaginative names that will be advance to kids. He multipacks will be situated as the sound nibble elective for kids.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Saadat-Hasan-MantoWriter-of-Stark-Realities.Pdf Essay Example
Saadat-Hasan-MantoWriter-of-Stark-Realities.Pdf Paper This page was traded from Jahane Rumi Export date: Thu Nov 18 17:11:12 2010/+0000 GMT Saadat Hasan Manto-Writer of Stark Realities (Courtesy Iftikhar Chaudri) Saadat Hassan Manto (May 11, 1912 ? January 18, 1955) was a Pakistani Urdu short story author, generally known for his Urdu short stories , Bu (Odor), Khol Do (Open It), Thanda Gosht (Cold Meat), and his artful culmination, Toba Tek Singh. Shockingly having gone through this existence on the two sides of the fringe he was depicted as an Indian essayist in Pakistan and in India he was depicted as a Pakistani author. Be that as it may, truely he was an essayist of the subcontinent above qualifications of coutry or religion. He was likewise a film and radio scriptwriter, and columnist. In his short life, he distributed twenty-two assortments of short stories, one novel, five assortments of radio plays, three assortments of papers, two assortments of individual representations. He was gone after for indecency about multiple times, threefold previously and threefold after freedom in Pakistan, yet never sentenced. A portion of his works have been interpreted in different dialects. Consolidating therapy with human conduct, he was seemingly extraordinary compared to other short narrators of the twentieth century, and one of the most dubious too. With regards to chronicling the aggregate frenzy that won in the Indian subcontinent, during and post the Partition of India in 1947, no other author approaches the oeuvre of Saadat Hassan Manto. We will compose a custom paper test on Saadat-Hasan-MantoWriter-of-Stark-Realities.Pdf explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Saadat-Hasan-MantoWriter-of-Stark-Realities.Pdf explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Saadat-Hasan-MantoWriter-of-Stark-Realities.Pdf explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Since he began his abstract vocation deciphering works of scholarly mammoths, similar to Victor Hugo, Oscar Wilde and numerous Russian bosses like Chekov and Gorky, their aggregate impact made him look for his own moorings. This hunt brought about his first story, Tamasha, in light of the Jallianwala Bagh slaughter at Amritsar. Despite the fact that his prior works, affected by the dynamic authors of his occasions indicated a checked radical and communist leanings, his later work continuously turned out to be unmistakable in depicting the haziness of the human mind, as humanist qualities logically declined around the Partition. To such an extent that his last works that turned out in the horrid social atmosphere of post-parcel Indian subcontinent and his own money related battles mirrored an inborn feeling of human impotency towards dimness that won in the bigger society, developing in satirism that skirted on dull parody, as found in his last extraordinary work, Toba Tek Singh, that not simply demonstrated his very own immediate impact remain in a genuine mental refuge, yet in addition an impression of aggregate frenzy that he found in the following decade of his life. To add to it, his various legal disputes and cultural reprimands, extended his skeptical perspective on society , from which he felt disconnected No piece of human presence stay immaculate or untouchable for him, he genuinely brought out accounts of whores and pimps the same, similarly as he featured the rebellious sexual subjection of the ladies of his occasions. To numerous contemporary ladies journalists, his language a long way from being revolting drawn out the ladies of times in authenticity, seen at no other time, and furnished them with the human nobility they since quite a while ago merited. In contrast to his kindred lights, he never enjoyed teaching or romanticized his character, nor offered any judgment on his characters. Regardless of how ghastly or shameless they may appear, he basically introduced the characters in a sensible light, and left the judgment on to the perusers eyes. This permits his attempts to be deciphered in a bunch ways, contingent upon the perspective of the peruser. They would show up sentimentalist or scurrilous to one, while exceedingly human to another. However it was this very non-critical and rather unhindered cliché of his pen that put him in a contrary camp from the media edits, social biases and the lawful arrangement of his occasions, to such an extent that he stayed restricted for a long time and missed out on numerous chances to win a solid living. All through the Indian subcontinent he is as yet known for his blistering knowledge into the human conduct just as disclosure of the shocking bestial nature of a chafed subcontinent, that stands apart in the midst of the quickness of his writing . He is regularly contrasted and D. H. Lawrence, and like Lawrence he likewise expounded on the themes considered social restrictions in Indo-Pakistani Society. His points run from the financial shamefulness winning in pre-and post-frontier subcontinent, to the more dubious subjects of adoration, sex, inbreeding, prostitution and the run of the mill bad faith of a conventional sub mainland male. In managing these subjects, he doesnt make careful arrangements to disguise the genuine condition of the undertaking despite the fact that his short stories are regularly unpredictably organized, with distinctive parody and a decent comical inclination. In chronicling the lives and tribulations of the individuals living in lower profundities of the human presence, no essayist of twentieth century, approached Manto. His interests on the socio-policy centered issues, from nearby to worldwide level are uncovered in his arrangement, Letters to Uncle Sam, and those to Pandit Nehru. On his composing he frequently remarked, If you discover my accounts filthy, the general public you are living in is grimy. With my accounts, I just uncover reality. From numerous points of view his works can be viewed as an antecedent to the moderate composing development of nineties. Rather than concentrating on structure, Manto made scholarly impact through portrayal of realities, frequently small stories, regularly dirty. Characters are not characterized solely by the manner in which they look, yet by what theyve done in their lives. Spots are not depicted as an assortment of tactile perceptions however as settings for occasions, tragic, impactful, upbeat or something else. Early life and training Output as PDF document has been controlled by [ Universal Post Manager ] module from www. ProfProjects. com | Page 1/2 | This page was traded from Jahane Rumi Export date: Thu Nov 18 17:11:12 2010/+0000 GMT Saadat Hassan Manto was conceived in a Kashmiri Muslim group of counselors, on May 11, 1912. He got his initial instruction at Muslim High School in Amritsar, however he stayed a loner all through in school years, quickly losing inspiration in examines, winding up bombing twice in registration. His solitary love during those days, was perusing English Novels, for which he even took a book, once from a Book-Stall in Amritsar Railway Station. In 1931, he at last dropped of school and joined Hindu Sabha College in Amritsar, which was at that point unpredictable due the autonomy development, soon it reflected in his first story, Tamasha, in light of the Jallianwala Bagh slaughter After, his dad kicked the bucket in 1932, he calmed down a piece to help his mom, however the enormous defining moment in his life came, when in 1933 at age 21 he met Abdul Bari Alig, a researcher and questioning essayist, in Amritsar, who urged to him locate his actual abilities, and read Russian and French writers. Early vocation Within merely months Manto delivered a Urdu interpretation of Victor Hugos The Last Days of a Condemned Man, which was distributed by Urdu Book Stall, Lahore as Sarguzasht-e-Aseer (A Prisoners Story).. Before long thereafter he joined the article staff of Masawat, an every day distributed from Ludhiana His 1934 Urdu interpretation of Oscar Wildes Vera won him due acknowledgment among the abstract circles. At the proceeded with support of Abdul Bari, he distributed an assortment of Urdu interpretation of Russian stories as Russi Afsane. This increased energy pushed Manto to seek after graduation at Aligarh Muslim University, which he participated in February 1934, and before long got related with Indian Progressive Writers Association (IPWA). It was here that he met author Ali Sardar Jafri and found another spray in his composition. His second story Inqlaab Pasand was distributed in Aligarh magazine in March 1935. There was no turning around from that point, and his first assortment of unique short stories in Urdu, Atish Pare (Sparks; likewise Quarrel-Provokers), was distributed in 1936, at age 24. He left Aligarh inside a year, at first for Lahore and eventually for Bombay. After 1936, he moved to Bombay, where he remained for the following hardly any years, altering Musawwir, a month to month film magazine. He additionally began composing contents and discoursed for Hindi movies, including Kishan Kanhaya (1936) and Apni Nagariya (1939). Before long he was bringing in enough cash, however when he wedded Safia on 26 April, 1939, he was by and by in desperate money related emergency. In spite of monetary good and bad times he kept composition for films, till he left for Delhi in January 1941. He had acknowledged the activity of composing for Urdu Service of All India Radio in 1941. This end up being his most profitable period, as in the following eighteen months he distributed more than four assortments of radio plays, Aao (Come), Manto ke Drame (Mantos Dramas), Janaze (Funerals) and Tin auraten (Three ladies). He kept on composing short stories, and his next short story assortment Dhuan (Smoke) was before long out, trailed by Manto ke Afsane and his first assortment of topical papers, Manto ke Mazamin. This period finished with the distribution of his blended assortment Afsane aur Drame in 1943. In the interim, due a squabble with then executive of the All India Radio, artist N. M. Rashid, he found employment elsewhere and came back to Bombay in July, 1942, where he began working with film industry indeed, and entered his best stage in screenwriting, giving movies like Aatth Din, Chal Re Naujawan and Mirza Ghalib, which was at last discharged in 1954 [2]. A portion of his best short stories additionally originated from this stage, including Kaali Shalwar, Dhuan (1943) and Bu
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
The Pomodoro Technique - Time Management
The Pomodoro Technique - Time Management Time is considered to be one of the most important (and scarce) resources in business. As such, people have been looking for ways to manage it more efficiently and effectively. Over time, many time management techniques and methodologies have been developed and introduced. Some worked; others didn’t, and there were those methods that needed more tweaking before they got the job done. Out of these many methods, there is one that has gained more acceptance in various industries, particularly software design and development: it is called the Pomodoro Technique. © | Mauro RodriguesIn this article, youll learn about 1) what the Pomodoro Technique is and 2) how the Pomodoro Technique works.WHAT IS THE POMODORO TECHNIQUE?“So many things to do, but very little time to do them all.â€â€œI can’t focus on my work because there are simply too many distractions.â€â€œI’ve been on this task for hours on end and I’m getting sick and tired of it.â€These are only a few of the many scenarios that people at work often go through. Some have difficulty maintaining their focus, while others find it hard to stay on top of their workload, which seems to become higher and higher. It seems that, no matter how hard they work, the amount of their load does not ease up.This is where the Pomodoro technique becomes an effective tool to increase your productivity.The Pomodoro technique was developed by Francesco Cirillo when he was still a university student in the late 1980s. It was named after the kitchen timer that he used, which just happ ened to be shaped like a tomato, or Pomodoro in Italian.Fundamentals of the Pomodoro TechniqueCirillo developed this method around the following ideas:Productivity and creativity is increased when work is performed in sprints or sessions.Frequent or regular and well-spaced breaks result to the improvement of one’s mental agility and maintain the freshness of his creativity.Management of distractions is a key to maintaining focus.This technique involves the use of a timer and breaking down work into intervals or sprints â€" called Pomodoros â€" with short breaks in between. Each interval of time that is spent working usually lasts 25 minutes, and the breaks can last anywhere between 3 to 5 minutes.This is not a hard and fast rule, though, because the length of each Pomodoro will depend on the nature of the work to be done, and your personal preference, of course.Benefits of Using the Pomodoro TechniqueThe ultimate goal of the Pomodoro Technique is to “reduce the impact of externa l and internal interruptions on work flow and focusâ€. When it comes to any workplace or any job, interruptions come with the territory. You cannot entirely do away with them. You could, however, take steps to make sure that they do not have drastic or major adverse effects on how you perform your current work.This time management hack is ideal for large jobs, or jobs that involve a series of tasks. That makes them easier to break down or divide into Pomodoros. For example, you can finish one task in one Pomodoro, then proceed to the next step or task in the series in the next Pomodoro.The Pomodoro technique has been known to provide the following benefits:Time ManagementThis is, after all, the primary reason why this technique was developed. There are two time-related “issues†that workers find themselves burdened with: they need more time to do their work, and they need to finish their work on time.With the Pomodoro technique, they will be able to find more time to accomplish their tasks, and they will also be aided in ensuring that they finish those tasks within the time allotted. There will be no room for procrastination, since you will actually be motivated to do more within the time allotted, before the timer rings.Reduce Stress and Eliminate BurnoutDoing too much of one thing for prolonged periods will take its toll on your mind and body. It becomes monotonous, so you will feel exhaustion set in faster and heavier. On the other hand, if you have too limited time to finish a specific task, you will find yourself rushing through it, and the panic involved is likely to tire you out and even increase the probabilities of committing mistakes in your work.With the strategic timing of working and taking breaks, you are giving yourself time to breathe in between some serious work, so you can keep stress at bay. The breaks will also be a good way to deal with the burnout that monotony in your work processes can bring.Increased Productivity and CreativityThe breaks that are taken between work intervals will keep the mind focused, fresh and invigorated. You may have noticed that you can think clearer and come up with better ideas if you have these breaks that will refresh your mind. Your concentration is improved, and you can even think deeply when required.If you are exhausted, this results to uninspired ideas. It is no different from just going through the motions and doing the minimum that is required of you, when you can do so much better, above and beyond what is expected of you.Manage DistractionsDistractions are good in keeping things from becoming too tiresome or monotonous. However, if handled incorrectly, they also have the tendency of becoming your excuse to slow down in your work or to stop and abandon it completely when it is not yet finished or completed.By training your mind to focus using the Pomodoro technique, you will be able to masterfully deal with the distractions if and when they do pop up. There are people who ha ve naturally short attention spans. This technique actually works very well even with them. By keeping the intervals short, there is minimal risk of their attention veering away from the task at hand. By the time their attention span reached its limit, the timer rings, signaling a break. They can use the break to refresh themselves, and return to the task when the timer starts all over again.If you are one of those people with short attention spans, you can customize the technique according to the average length of time of your attention span. If you notice that you cannot concentrate on your job for more than 20 minutes, you can choose to set each Pomodoro for 20 minutes.Balance of Life and WorkThink of your goals, both in your personal and professional life. Chances are that these two are interrelated or have a connection. One would affect the other, and vice versa. Therefore, balance must be struck between the two. But how can you have that balance when you have a tired mind and body?With the time management hack known as the Pomodoro technique, you will be able to create that balance. You will be setting realistic targets, and you will go about your work in a systematic manner in order to achieve those targets. You will be satisfied with your work and still have time for your personal development. Balance is also achieved even with just a small measure of organization, which is really what the Pomodoro technique promotes: organizing your work.Balance can also be achieved through pacing. Sometimes, a fast-paced work environment can be detrimental to one’s personal health and development, as well as his job or work performance. With this technique, you can pace yourself through your tasks, and be assured that you are actually making progress in your work.Now you are probably wondering where the concept of multitasking fits in all these. It’s simple, really: the Pomodoro technique actually makes no room for multitasking. It’s about focus and flow, so yo u have to pick one task and do it before moving on to another task.HOW THE POMODORO TECHNIQUE WORKSSurprisingly, the Pomodoro Technique is not all that difficult to understand and implement. Experts may give varying steps and stages, but the sequence is pretty much the same. The only differences would be mainly brought about by variations in workers’ styles and preferences when it comes to carrying out their tasks.Stages of the Pomodoro Technique1. Get rid of all existing and potential distractions.Take a look at your workspace or your workplace as a whole. Identify the distractions that are currently wreaking havoc with your concentration when you are working. Next, you should also be more forward-looking and anticipate the distractions that can potentially arise when you are in the middle of work.Some of the distractions that people usually deal with at work include phone calls and interruptions by colleagues and clients. Those who do their work using the computer also identify email alerts and private message notifications as work distractions. Turn them all off, and close all unnecessary tabs on your browser, as these may distract you while working.2. Decide on a task that you will focus on.You may have a list of tasks that have to be done. Choose one that you will focus on. You may choose based on the level of difficulty or bulk of work, but most workers choose their focus task based on earlier prioritization standards or if they have deadlines to meet for certain tasks.Individual workers usually have their own “to-do†lists. These are very useful when it comes to choosing which tasks to prioritize, as well as consider the length of time for each interval.3. Decide on the length of time of intervals and breaks.Early on, you have to decide how long each Pomodoro will be, as well as the length of break time that you will spend in between these Pomodoros. Traditionally, one interval will last for 25 minutes, but you can make this shorter or longer, dep ending on what you will be working on. You can also decide on making your break as short as 3 minutes, or make it as long as 5 minutes. It’s all up to you.You may also decide to take a longer break after several Pomodoros. For example, after 4 25-minute sessions, you can take a break that will last for 15 to 20 minutes.This technique promotes keeping the sprints short, so going beyond 25 minutes for each sprint is not really advisable, as it may be deemed too long by most people’s standards. Setting each sprint at one hour is even longer and may be counter-productive.For purposes of this discussion, let us decide on a 25-minute Pomodoro and a 3-minute break, with the longer break lasting 15 minutes.4. Set the timer for the work session.Keep a piece of paper and pencil close. You will see why in the next step. Set up the timer in a spot that is close to you so you can hear it when it rings, but not too close that you will find yourself repeatedly looking at it and checking how mu ch time has lapsed and how many minutes you have left.5. Work on the focus task until the timer rings the end of the sprint.Get to work. Forget the timer and just focus on the work at hand. It is natural to have sudden thoughts or distractions pop up in your head. Do not dismiss them completely, because some of them may be useful for other tasks on your list. This is where you will use the piece of paper and pen. Write down the distractions for future references.Once the timer rings, signaling the end of the Pomodoro, stop what you are doing and place a checkmark (or an X, whichever you want) on another piece of paper. To avoid confusion, it should be a piece of paper separate from where you wrote down the distractions or ideas that popped up in your head during the interval.6. Take a break.Do anything that is not related to the focus task. Get up, walk around, put some distance between you and your work desk or workspace. You can even stretch a bit, do some exercises or get a brief hand or neck massage. Grab a glass of water or some chips. You can do anything, really, but it would be a good idea to keep them simple. Not too taxing or require too much brain power from you.At the end of the break, go back to the first step.Once the checkmark sheet has four checkmarks (or X marks, depending on what you chose to use), you can enjoy that 15-minute break decided upon earlier. After 15 minutes, reset the checkmark count so you’re back to zero, and start from Step 1 all over again.7. Maintain a record of all the tasks performed as the Pomodoros are completed.This is for purposes of monitoring your progress and evaluating the effectiveness of the application of this time management technique.Once a Pomodoro has been decided on, it should prevail. This means that it cannot be divided into smaller intervals. So you have decided on each Pomodoro lasting 25 minutes? Stick to that.What if another task or activity crops up while you are in the middle of a Pomodoro? You ha ve two options: record the other activity and get back to the Pomodoro immediately, or you can stop the Pomodoro entirely to focus on that other activity, especially if it something that is so important that it cannot wait. Of course, the former option is the ideal choice, if you want to maintain your focus and flow.Tools in the Pomodoro TechniqueWhen Cirillo first developed this technique, it was pretty simple. All that was needed was a mechanical timer (he used a kitchen timer shaped like a tomato), a piece of paper, and a pencil. This simplicity made this method favored by many. Gradually, other users turned to using digital and more advanced timers to make the process much easier. Over the years, however, several app developers came up with apps that perform the Pomodoro technique.The earlier users of the Pomodoro technique may argue against the use of digital timers or Pomodoro apps, since it goes against the principle of removing all distractions, which also includes those tha t are digital in nature. However, as the nature of work is increasingly veering towards the use of digital technology, there is no doing away with them completely. Most of the work today is now done using and through computers, so it would be best to adapt the Pomodoro technique to these technological changes.The Pomodoro technique can be used by practically anyone, from students getting their study timetable together to professionals and business people. Granted, it may not be a fit for all types of people or professions, so you have to assess its applicability first in your particular case before you can use it.Here’s another great thing about the Pomodoro technique: unless you make use of those apps or purchased those advanced or digital tools, then you can use it without spending a single cent! Yes, time management does not have to cost you anything!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
In the Pursuit of Happiness - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1207 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/05/07 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Happiness Essay Did you like this example? According to the Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary, happiness is a state of wellbeing and contentment (Merriam-Webster). Arguably, happiness is the ultimate desire of human beings. It is a given that achieving happiness entails increasing pleasure while, at the same time, decreasing pain. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "In the Pursuit of Happiness" essay for you Create order While this argument may be, it has also been argued that happiness encompasses experiencing the right emotions (Tamir et al). By right emotions, it means either pleasant or bad experiences. While the relation between good emotions and happiness is appreciable, feeling happy because of unpleasant emotions may be relatively hard to accept. Take an example of an individual who is jealous of another. To such a person, the climax of happiness is seeing his/her enemy fail in life. Given this fact, it is evident that happiness may take different directions in life, either positive or negative. However, in this essay, the primary focus will be on the positive aspects of happiness. Some notable factors that determine an individuals happiness in life are genetic makeup, income, health status, leisure, and charity. Is happiness a choice? Just as people have the freedom to make good or bad choices in life, the same case applies to happiness. According to an article published in the Huffington Post, one has some freedom to choose what will determine his/her level of happiness (Gregoire). While it is practically impossible for us to choose our inborn happiness because of our genetic makeup, many other aspects in life, like income, health, leisure and doing charitable deeds are possible. Take an example of income; studying hard will pay off and increase the chances of one securing stable employment or initiating a robust personal business. The same case applies to health where one can embrace some habits like healthy eating. Similarly, the way an individual spends his/her leisure time and doing charitable deeds also varies with people. It can be your choice to be happy! A persons genetic makeup seems to be the most interesting happiness-determining factor. According to a study by De Neve et al., it was established that the 5-HTT gene might be critical in determining a persons satisfaction (De Neve et al.). Accordingly, about a third of a persons life satisfaction can be attributed to genetic influences. Pertaining to the functionality of this gene, it aids in the absorption of serotonin, which plays a critical role in influencing a persons mental state. In fact, varied studies have established that the 5-HTT gene influences metabolisms and signal transfers between neurons (De Neve et al.). Accordingly, all of these processes have a high potentiality to influence ones personality. Based on these pieces of scientific evidence, it can be implied that, in addition to external stimuli that determine an individuals happiness prospects, internal conditions, such as genetic makeup, are also key influencing factors. Income is another defining factor of ones happiness. An individuals happiness level increases or decrease as his/her income level increases or decreases (van Hoorn). Arguably, people with high income can comfortably meet most of their basic needs in life. With being able to meet their needs, their happiness level is expected to be high. However, extreme income can also be harmful. For instance, wealthy people are always afraid that burglars may invade them unexpectedly. In fact, it is because of this fear that they hire security guards to protect their homesteads and property, and even themselves at times. Health is another factor that plays a significant role in determining an individuals happiness level. Arguably, as opposed to a sick person, a healthy individual is capable of performing most of the daily obligations with ease. Given this ability, such a person develops a sense of personal achievement. In contrast, people suffering from life-threatening diseases, such as cancer and HIV/AIDS, are less happy in life (van Hoorn). However, it is worth noting that happiness and health are associated in the sense that either can be a contributing factor of the other. For instance, studies have established that happy people have rare and less chances of suffering from mental diseases (van Hoorn). Based on the information above, it can be assumed that healthy people will lead happier lives than unhealthy people. Leisure is another external factor that has been associated with happiness. Some organizations and companies are giving their employees some free time out of their daily work schedule and are finding a positive attitude towards work with high employee productivity. Studies have shown that there exists a considerable association between pleasurable leisure activities in a social context, the release of serotonin, and feelings of happiness (Robertson). Many households allocate some time out of their normal family routine also to engage in such activities like going to the gym, hiking, and swimming. All these endeavors are psychologically empowering and work to enhance ones happiness. Therefore, it can be suggested that leisure time is an essential element in determining an individuals level of happiness. Lastly, charity is among the practices that have been associated with happiness of the achiever. While some people find satisfaction by seeking self-gratifying endeavors, others find that contentment in life can only be achieved by helping others. Take an example of Mother Teresa; she is remembered more for the charitable work that she was engaged in than her missionary work. She saw helping the needy as an obligation and the primary source of joy. Her happiness was met through the happiness of others (Athanassoulis). The association of charity and happiness can be linked to Aristotles eudemonia. Accordingly, eudemonia is the pleasurable experience that one achieves after performing moral duties (Anik et al.). In the course of research, Anik et al. asked participants to gauge their level of happiness after spending their income on paying bills, buying personal effects, and giving donations. Accordingly, those participants who devoted more money to charitable spending reported greater happiness (Anik et al.). Based on the discussion above, it is evident that doing charitable deeds has a great potential to increase ones happiness. At the end of the day do you ever ask yourself are you happy with your life? Do you feel as though you live and have the perfect or the good life? Is there such a thing as the perfect life or the good life? A perfect life may be one where an individual experiences all elements or conditions that make a happy life. It is possible to attain all the life-satisfying conditions that you want in your lifetime? (I need to still add to this paragraph) In conclusion, happiness is believed to be the core desire of every human being. While many people associate happiness with positive experiences, negative emotions can also be a source of joy for some people. Notably, just as is the case with many other life decisions, happiness is also dependent on your personal choices. Genetic makeup is deemed to be among the intrinsic factors that greatly influence a persons happiness. However, several extrinsic factors like income, health, leisure, and charity also determine ones happiness levels. While pursuing happiness can be a large job, it is important that in doing so, people do not intrude on the right of others to achieve the same. That way, it will be possible to build a society that coexists peacefully.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Importance of Human Resources Management - 1233 Words
The economic environment in nowadays dynamic, it is fairly important for organisations and managers to recognise the curtail of Human Resource Management. It is clear that Human Resource Management (HRM) has become one of the most recommend management strategy in the modern business (Leopold and Harris, 2009). Human Resource Management is a technique process of managing people in the workplace to enable and enhance organization performance (Leopold and Harris, 2009). This theory involved the responsible to attracting, selecting, training and managing people which make employees become more valuable to the organisations. It invests effect in learning and development at work. Also to communicate with all employees at each level to reward successful employee relations (Wilton, 2011). Human Resource Management plays a very important role in the operation strategy and management concerns in work organisations of all kinds (Leopold and Harris, 2009). In aim to justify this statement by eva luate the benefit and importance of Human Resource Management in contemporary work organisations. This essay will focus on analysis the advantages of use Human Resource Management in business also underline by explain more detail about the different HRM strategy brings benefits and give competitive advantages impact to the organisation success. Then summarise by a general conclusion on the importance of HRM in contemporary work organisations. Human Resource Management has been generally usedShow MoreRelatedHuman Resource Management And Its Importance1517 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction In the 21st century, human society has undergone tremendous changes, it began to change from the industrial economy to a knowledge economy era. Economic globalization and improve the level of global competition, organizations have had to make full use of all their resources to ensure its survival and development. 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A Human Resources Department will help the stake holders and the board of direct 2. HRM practices can help the hospital to deal with the competition in the following
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Corporate Social Responsibility (Csr) Free Essays
CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) COMPANY NAME: PETRODEC SDN BHD BY JUZITA MOHAMED ALIAS (2012) ContentsPage Executive Summary†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦3 1. 0 Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. We will write a custom essay sample on Corporate Social Responsibility (Csr) or any similar topic only for you Order Now †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 4 2. 0 Company Backgroun-Petrodec Sdn Bhd†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4 3. 0 Company Values †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 5 4. 0 Corporate Social Responsibility†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦5 5. 0 CSR Activities 2011†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦6 5. 1 Adopted School Sek Men (U) Al-Irsyad†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦6 5. 2 Welfare Activities Rumah Bakti Kulim†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 7 6. 0Next Year Plan †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 8 7. 0CSR Challenges†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦9 8. 0Conclusion and recommendation†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã ¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. References: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 10 Executive Summary Corporate social responsibility which is also known as CSR is a form of corporate self-regulated that has been integrated into a business model. It was started to be popular in 1960s to 1970s after being implemented by many multinational company. The focus on CSR in Malaysia has increased in recent years, in line with international trends. Although several companies have CSR programs that go back many years, in some cases decades, it has in recent years been possible to identify an increased awareness of the issue. The approach of CSR becomes widely accepted by community-based development approach. Today, more companies than ever before are recognizing the significance and value of integrating CSR into all aspects of their business operations and decision-making processes. Communities are seen as more than just a market for the roll-out of products and services. The long-term growth and profitability of companies are inextricably linked to the sustainability and well-being of the community. Petrodec Sdn Bhd is one of the company in Malaysia that committed to their CSR program. In year 2011, Petrodec had become more integrated in CSR where they had adopted SM (U) Al-Irsyad, Pulau Pinang and planned activities with Blind Associate in Kulim called Rumah Bakti. 1. 0Introduction This project starts with the importance of the CSR commitment to the company then followed by the background of the company, Petrodec Sdn Bhd. This will continue with the listed CSR activities done by Petrodec Sdn Bhd. Then it followed by the plan for next year and challenges faces by the company. Then it covers recommendation to conclude the whole program presented for year 2011. . 0Company Background-Petrodec Sdn Bhd Petrodec Sdn Bhd (formerly known as Focal 2000 Sdn Bhd ) was established on 21st April 2000 with a mission to provide a comprehensive range of engineering solutions and services in the construction industry. Petrodec Sdn Bhd has been registered with CIDB (G7) since year 2001 and PKK (Class A). Holding the paid up capital of RM1,000,000. 00, Petrodec Sdn Bhd is owned by tw o directors; En Mohd Zamri Bin Abdull Rahman and Tn Syed Lokman Bin Syed Idrus. Petrodec Sdn Bhd believes there is more to value than just the lowest price. Value means providing our clients with the highest quality product for the most economical price. Petrodec Sdn Bhd has worked hard to earn a reputation for quality work and integrity in dealing with clients, local authorities, suppliers and subcontractors. It’s believes in building value into relationships by using quality people and products. Their goal is to develop long lasting relationships based on trust, honesty and professionalism. The organization had worked hard to earn satisfaction and respect from customer as they believe in continuous relationship with customers. The basic philosophy of Petrodec Sdn Bhd is to offer oustanding services towards clients’ goals and needs. The company provides a total package capability and solution to suit projects of any scale and magnitude. Its services will be characterized by a high standard of quality services. The company believes in the solidarity of its internal skills and knowledge in satisfying the needs of its clients (Petrodec Sdn Bhd, 2010). 3. 0Company values The values and principles are â€Å"Experience, Effective, Efficiency and Excellence †coupled with creative dynamism and vision will be the constant focus of the company ’ s work ethics. Petrodec Sdn Bhd, 2010) 4. 0Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) CSR is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into business model. It starts to be popular in 1960s and early 1970s after multinational company really putting an effort to emphasis on CSR. Basically, the most successful and accepted CSR is the community-based develop ment approach. In this approach, organization works with local communities to better themselves. The organization that is committed to employee development normally already practicing some of the CSR components. That organization that openly shares information with employees about a move toward downsizing, and then helps displaced employees find new jobs, is actively practicing CSR. Moreover, the organization that is committed to the production of safe, reliable, and innovative products or services in line with customer needs is strategically involved in CSR. CSR is, therefore, a management approach that takes into consideration an integrated set of indicators that map the firm’s impact within the its economic, society and environmental existence. Most importantly, findings from scientific research shows that CSR is essential for the long-term sustainability of an organization (Waldman, Sully, Washburn, House, 2006). Company that narrowly pursue the profit motive, without concern for the broad spectrum of Stakeholders that are relevant to the long run, are increasingly shown to lack sustainability. But it’s not only important to realize the importance of these groups. Organizations must also be able to â€Å"connect the dots†and understand how various Stakeholders, and the satisfaction of their needs, represent interrelated challenges. To some multinational companies and large organizations, they might have an established CSR that brings a significant impact to the company and community surrounded area. However to a small company they might have a different ways to involve with CSR activities. For Petrodec Sdn Bhd commitment to engage with CSR activities is important to ensure business continuity. It is a social obligations to contribute some and to be part of the society. The company hopes to share some of community pain in the welfare activities. On the other hand, Petrodec is a construction company that have to engage with the community throughout the duration of project completion. It is understood, whenever a constructions works involve, there always be uncomfortable situations to the involve society. Projects like earthwork clearing, building constructions, roads constructions and many more would always be unavoided disturbance to the people stay around the constructions area. Therefore, involvement with society will make them understand the situation and understand why the work need to be done at that area. 5. 0CSR Activities 2011 Petrodec Sdn Bhd activities are divided into categories. First category is the adopted school and the second one is the welfare activities. Petrodec had chosen Sek Men (U) Al-Irsyad as the adopted school when they started the construction project to build new hostel. The welfare activities carried out at Rumah Bakti in Kulim town which is the only Muslim Blind Associate in Malaysia. 5. 1Adopted School- Sek Men (U) Al-Irsyad Sek Men (U) Al-Irsyad is located at Pokok Sena, Pulau Pinang. In 2009, Petrodec had been awarded to build hostel for the student that can occupied 200 students. It is also included room for warden and activity rooms. The duration for this project carried out for two years. It is long enough for the company to support the school activities. The school had their planned a lot of good programs to develop their students. But to ensure all activities can be run successfully, they need certain budget. So Petrodec had put up the initiative to volunteer to contribute RM10,000. 00 to ensure all their program smooth throughout the year. However, Petrodec only handover the RM10,000. 00 and the school had full authorities to use the money to run all the program as their planned and presented earlier. Petrodec had not engaged personally during the activities. Speech competition, motivation activities, outdoor activities, external speaker comes for motivation talks and graduation celebration are parts of the activities that had been carried out throughout the year. 5. 2Welfare Activites- Pusat Latihan Rumah Bakti Kulim (The Blind Association) Rumah Bakti Kulim (the blind association) is the only training center for muslim blind association in Malaysia. It’s accommodates around 20 people which is blinds that stayed in this Rumah Bakti. All of them are teenagers who poor vision or blinds, and orphan. Petrodec had participate actively in their activites and involve personally in the activities. Total of RM20,000. 00 was granted throughout the year but it was given when the program are planned. In 2011, there are three major activities had been carried out. Two activities had joined event with Malaysian Estima Owners Group (MEOG) to had more people involve. The first event was held a week before HariRaya Aidilfitri 2011 which is on 20th August 2011. The total budget for this event around RM6,000. 00. The MEOG team prepared the food for evening meal to break their fast, transportation (Estima) to bring the blinds to function house which is held at Kulim Golf Residents and Petrodec prepared cash donation, baju kurung and baju melayu for all the blinds. Total of 24 blinds received the cash donation and clothes on that day. Total 100 attendees participate in the event. It a very simple but a meaning full event. All the Petrodec staffs and MEOGians served the for the blinds, perform the maghrib prayers and then proceed with the clothes and cash donations sessions. It was conclude to be one of the most successful event to MEOG and Petrodec Sdn Bhd this year. The second activity was activity korban on Aidil Adha. It was done on 9th November 2011 at Rumah Bakti Kulim. Total budget allocated was RM3,600. 00. This activity also a joined effort with MEOG. Rumah Bakti staff cooked for lunch for invited guest which included all the blinds at Rumah Bakti, Petrodec Sdn Bhd Staff and MEOGians. Korban meat was then distributed to poor people and included the residents of Rumah Bakti. The meat for Rumah Bakti will be stored properly as that will be their food stock until year end and early of first quarter next year. This is due to normally it was the last contributions received from outside organizations for that year. Next year contribution will be received later in February. For day to day income, the blinds will continue living with their own income either from massage service and photostat service run inhouse. The third activity was to hire Tahfiz to teach the blind tahfiz Al-Quran. As they cannot read Al-Quran, therefore they have to hire Tahfiz for the purpose of learning Al-Quran. This activity start in November and RM700. 00 was allocated for the Tahfiz monthly salary. 6. 0Next Year Plan To ensure CSR activities continuity, Petrodec Sdn Bhd already presented next year plan to the board. Eventhough the budget still under approval by board of directors, the team will continue to look forward for the benefits of the company and the involve community. There are two plans for next year, which are to build prayer room at Rumah Bakti. It is estimated around RM30,000 needed. Petrodec also will continue to adopt school but it might change to another school. The suggestion will be SK St Anne’s Convent, Kulim. Petrodec had suggested to do activities such as career week during activity week after UPSR 2012. The school will call professionals to give a talk about their career and share with the schools why is it their job is important to the society. Another activity will be participate in Hari Kantin where the Petrodec Sdn Bhd team will be coaching on the entrepreneurship to the students. 7. 0CSR Challenges CSR activities need all the participants actively involve during the activities to ensure it is meaningful to the community. This would be the biggest challenge to Petrodec Sdn Bhd as the company had a very limited headcount to perform their work and at the same time participate in the CSR activities. Thus, with limited resources such as small budget, time and material also had become the constrains to run CSR in more proper manner. Most of the activites had to be on adhoc basis rather than a well plan schedule. This is also can be constrains due to limited resources. However, the company had worked hard to close the gaps in ensuring the activities run smooth. 8. 0Conclusion and Recommendation CSR is part of social commitment that company need to actively engage and participate. The company might have focus the CSR activities to the project area or to the community surrounded the organizations. Then only it will be meaningful to the people stay around the area. Reference Petrodec Sdn Bhd. (2010). Annual Report 2010. , (p. 10). Petrodec Sdn Bhd. (2010). Company Profile. Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Waldman, D. , Sully, M. , Washburn, N. , House, R. (2006). Cultural and Leadership preditors of Corporate Social Responsibility values of top management: A Globe Study of 15 Countries. Journal of International Business Studies , 823-837. How to cite Corporate Social Responsibility (Csr), Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Common Law Legislation
Question: Give a definition from legislation or common law Set out the legal burden of proof and the standard of proof Identify which facts support Actus Reus and Mens Rea Support your analysis with relevant case law and commentary from your law books Decide if there are any causation issues Next look at possible defences Give a definition of the defence from legislation or common law Apply the law to the facts by Identifying which facts support a good case for the accused to show that the defence is true Answer: In the given case scenario, Edward has been charged with murder of his wife. Dawn was the wife of Edward and they were married almost for a year. It is mentioned in the case study that Edward used to take class 1 drugs on a regular basis. Moreover, this is also relevant from the case scenario that Edward used to behave violently on various occasion with his wife Dawn. Moreover, from relevant sources it was found that Edward used tom suffer from anxiety psychosis for a long time and thus he was under medication which he had to take on a regular basis. Sometimes, it was noticed that he missed out taking his medication when he was high in drugs. On a very evening, Dawn came late from work and Edward accused her of dating someone behind his back. However, there arguments lasted for hours and Dawn had decided to leave him and going to live with her new boy friend. This lead to a terrific incident as Edward hit her with a fry pan several time on her head and on her body. However, she fell on the floor and Edward continued with kicking until she was dead. Thus, Edward was charged with murder of her wife. Under the law of UK, Murder is defined as an unlawful killing of a human being without a proper and appropriate justification or any kind of proper excuse. Under the court of law, it is relevant that the court does not have the right to convict an individual unless and until the individual has acted something with a criminal intention (Duff, 2010). Under the common law, law of murder is set out in a very effective way stating that murder is nothing but an unlawful killing of a human being in the Queens peace, with malice aforethought. Malice aforethought is a term, known as mens rea (Sayre, 1932). Mens rea means the individual must have the intention to kill or must have the intention to deliver a grievous bodily harm to the victim. Mens rea is a Latin word and meaning of this word Guilty mind (Yaffe, 2004). Thus, men rea deals with the thinking of the defendant during the time of committing the crime. Therefore, this allows the United Kingdom criminal law system to differentiate bet ween the individual who has committed a crime intentionally with the individual who does not committed the crime with any kind of bad intention. This can be referred from the case study of R v Vickers[1957] 2 QB 664. On the other hand, there prevail another important term in the criminal law system of UK which is termed as Actus Reus. This consists of each and every elements of the crime. However, it does not include the state of the mind of the defendant. Elements, which are included, are as follows: conduct, omission, result or may be a state of affairs (Sim, 1955). According to Actus reus, conduct of the defendant must be voluntary in nature if the defendant incurred any kind of liability due to his conduct (Mangiafico, 2004). Various factors are prevailed in the involuntary of the conduct of the defendant, which are as follows: Automatism: this is implicated in the case scenario where the defendant is associated with any type of physical act. But, it must be also satisfied that the defendant was not aware of his/her doing due to various external factors. Reflex action: Action of the individual due to some spontaneous reflex is included in this factor, which the defendant has no control over it. This is also referring sometimes as a part of automatism. Physical force: conduct of the defendant can be considered to be involuntary if there prevail any kind of physical force implemented by someone. As per the law of UK, most important element of Actus reus of murder is that the victim must be a human being. Thus, an individual cannot be charged as a murderer if the individual kills any animal other than human being. This can be referred from the case study of R v Malcherek and Steel [1981] 2 ALL ER. In the given case scenario, Edward has been considered a murderer as he murdered his wife. Edward has the intention to kill her wife as he continued hitting her till she died. Thus, the defendant has the intention to kill her as per the rule of mens rea. The defendant has the guilty mind and intention during the time of committing the act. In this scenario, the conduct of the defendant was voluntary in nature as per the rules of Actus reus. The above-mentioned points must be satisfied for considering the act of the defendant an involuntary conduct. The evidences, which are required to be submitted by the plaintiff against the defendant for winning the trial, are termed as the standard of proof. Standard of proof varies from cases to cases. Thus, the standard of proof is important to please the prosecutor that there does not prevail any doubt regarding the charges, which are charged against the defendant for conducting unlawful act (Keane and McKeown, 2012). As per Section 141 of the criminal law that in a criminal proceeding the court does not have the right to consider the case as proved unless and until the plaintiff represent proper and reasonable prove against the defendant. For example: Miller v Minister of Pensions [1947] 2 All ER 372 There is another term in the law of UK, which is termed as evidential burden of proof. According to the law, the plaintiff must prove the court with the burden of proof that there prevail a case against the defendant and the defendant is answerable for the trial (Duff, 2010). In many cases, it has been noticed that the defendant has some evidence of burden of proof to rise in front of the court in order to defend himself/herself. As per the example: if the defendant is charged for a grievous bodily harm or murder of someone and he claims that he acted like that in order to defend himself from the victim and for the purpose of self defence, then this can be considered to be the burden of proof on the part of the defendant thereby providing an opportunity to defend himself from the charges made against him. In the case scenario, the defendant Edward does not possess the right to defend himself against the charges, which were made against him. However, the plaintiff on the other hand has an ample of evidence against the defendant for conducting murder of his wife Dawn. In this case scenario, Edward had the intentio0n to kill her and therefore he did not stop hitting and kicking her till she died. However, the defendant Edward has some valid grounds on which he can defendant himself from the charges. It is mentioned in the case scenario, that he was suffering from anxiety psychosis and he was under medication. Anxiety make individual feel like going crazy. In various cases, it gets so extreme that it automatically falls under psychosis. In such cases, patients usually losses reality and in many cases the individual is not aware of that fact. Moreover, the issues are also noticed in such patients related to hallucinations or delusions and thus the patient may fail to understand the difference between reality and experiences. Social and behaviour malfunctions also causes with this type of patient. Thus, the defendant Edward has the ground to defend himself in the court by proving that he was not normal and sound like other individual and he was suffering from anxiety psychosis from several years and he was also under medication. But there prevail a problem regarding the medicati on. It was mentioned in the case study, that often he missed out to take his medicine. If on that very particular on which the incident happened he missed out to take his medicine then it will be considered that due to negligence on the part for Edward, the incident happened. Thus, he will be proved guilty for the charges made by the plaintiff against him. As per the above discussion, it can be concluded that the accused should be sent to a mental institution for his treatment and correction of the act he committed. In this case, the court does not have the right to punish the defendant on the grounds of murdering his wife. It is mentioned in the case scenario that the defendant as suffering from severe anxiety psychosis and he was also under medication. This type of patient fails to recognise sometimes what they are doing. Thus, the defendant must be sent to a mental institution for his treatment and correction regarding the act he conducted by murdering her wife. He can refer to the case study of M'Naghten [1843] UKHL J16 House of Lords.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Do People Choose What They Are Attracted To
Considering the subject of attraction, the term seems ambiguous because for a scientist, it might mean some forces of physics, to psychologist it takes the emotional perspective, to lovers it takes the emotional perception and, from the youth or the new-age point of view it faces various external determining factors or circumstances such as events. Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Do People Choose What They Are Attracted To? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Away from the earlier century, current references regarding the law of attraction indicate it as the evolution of matter. Today, the Law of attraction talks about people’s way of thinking in the aim of achieving an advantage. One of the key factors that need consideration in matters pertaining attraction include, knowledge about the personal need. The universe is able to manifest desires if one cultivates positive thoughts about the personal wishes or needs. Arguably, this is the philosophical nature indicating the possibility of attracting whatever one wishes to achieve or have. Attraction however, raises many questions that seem to lack good answers. For example, do people have a choice over attraction? Biologically, the subconscious mind is the source of attraction because it begins with release of a substance referred to as dopamine, in response to individual unique paradigms. It is a special quality that makes people attractive, which they have no control over. One has control over the attraction for instance; attraction to someone is not a choice but way of enhancing the relationship in a personal perfective manner. It is logical that one should be attracted to a person who is equally attentive to their needs or feelings, sensitive, nice, generous and provides, but a close attention to the real world indicates otherwise. Attraction does not happen by choice but through an unconscious stage of responding emotional ly to various clues. It fails to involve logic but has a pattern and methodology of working it out that is discoverable through practice. Learning or understanding the methodology or essence behind attraction is comparable to learning how to perform tasks that never occur naturally. One has to learn the skills to be in a position of garnering results. Arguably some negative aspects are excellent ways of pushing the attraction button such as creating tension between people, playing hard to get, enhancing laughter, or developing unpredictable self-image.Advertising Looking for critical writing on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More People ought to have strengths to control attraction. As a good example, heterosexual people have desire to have relations with different people of the opposite gender. This is a drive but does not permit them to the act in that procession because they can have control over the act. There i s need to control special contemplations for success. Therefore, attraction is not a choice but the alternative is to control personal thoughts in order to gain power over the law of attraction. There is only one consciousness, which is self and this is the main source of human intentions. This critical writing on Do People Choose What They Are Attracted To? was written and submitted by user Pearl K. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Free Essays on Pascal’s Wager
Over all Pascal’s Wager is very logical, but I must say that I do not personally find it to be very persuasive. Although it makes complete sense in the risks involved in the wager and that it is over all more beneficial to be faithful and bet on their being a god than it is to assume there is no god and be wrong, but rather the wager gives no other reason as to why one should believe in god other than the fact that if there is a god u gain more by believing and by disbelieving you loose much more than if there is no god and you believe or disbelieve. If there is no god there is not much lost or won in either case. Pascal’s Wager offers no more than this as to why one should believe in god. It seems very similar to the mother who tells her children that they must behave otherwise Santa will not deliver toys and games on Christmas Eve, but regardless of the child’s actions they (at least in most cases) get a visit from Santa on Christmas, who leaves many toys and presents. In a way Pascal is making the same exact threat, follow and believe in God and you will go to heaven, but if you don’t then you will pay dearly, granted there is a God. If there is not a God then nothing is truly lost from this practice. Just like if Santa exists, behave and Santa will visit leaving many goodies behind for the good girls and boys or misbehave and you will get coal in your stocking. If, on the other hand, it is only the parents of the child playing the role of Santa then generally regardless of how the child acts and behaves he or she will receive the toys. Leaving the entire thing as an empty threat, which in many cases is how Pascal’s Wager is viewed. Also it seems that one cannot just change their whole entire point of view and beliefs just because they have come to the conclusion that â€Å"oh wait what if there really is a God. I better start believing now or else I could really ruin things after I die.†It just doesnï ¿ ½... Free Essays on Pascal’s Wager Free Essays on Pascal’s Wager Over all Pascal’s Wager is very logical, but I must say that I do not personally find it to be very persuasive. Although it makes complete sense in the risks involved in the wager and that it is over all more beneficial to be faithful and bet on their being a god than it is to assume there is no god and be wrong, but rather the wager gives no other reason as to why one should believe in god other than the fact that if there is a god u gain more by believing and by disbelieving you loose much more than if there is no god and you believe or disbelieve. If there is no god there is not much lost or won in either case. Pascal’s Wager offers no more than this as to why one should believe in god. It seems very similar to the mother who tells her children that they must behave otherwise Santa will not deliver toys and games on Christmas Eve, but regardless of the child’s actions they (at least in most cases) get a visit from Santa on Christmas, who leaves many toys and presents. In a way Pascal is making the same exact threat, follow and believe in God and you will go to heaven, but if you don’t then you will pay dearly, granted there is a God. If there is not a God then nothing is truly lost from this practice. Just like if Santa exists, behave and Santa will visit leaving many goodies behind for the good girls and boys or misbehave and you will get coal in your stocking. If, on the other hand, it is only the parents of the child playing the role of Santa then generally regardless of how the child acts and behaves he or she will receive the toys. Leaving the entire thing as an empty threat, which in many cases is how Pascal’s Wager is viewed. Also it seems that one cannot just change their whole entire point of view and beliefs just because they have come to the conclusion that â€Å"oh wait what if there really is a God. I better start believing now or else I could really ruin things after I die.†It just doesnï ¿ ½...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Internatinal aria studies(survey of world history) Essay
Internatinal aria studies(survey of world history) - Essay Example We will discuss the political development in China after 1600 and in Japan after 1600. Africa was the first haven for our apelike ancestors, since then humans have spread far and wide conquering almost every part of land that’s habitable. The reason for the survival of human beings has been their capability to adapt to the changes. As has been explained by John McNeill and William McNeill, â€Å"protohumans were unusually versatile†. Besides, the savannas, the first habitat of human, provided an opportunity for human survival. Savannas are dry and grassy plains with drought resistant trees which provided secure sleeping places and the alternating rainy seasons provided for the source of water. As humans spread out from their basic haven to different places about a million year ago, they started adapting to the various conditions they faced. The basic factors that led to the growth and adaptability was their ability to communicate which was the main reason for our ability to form networks and hence to get organized. Their ability to communicate in abstraction and to store memories and pass on technology allowed humans to survive. Also, the fact that our cranial capacity grew steadily meant we became more intelligent and hence the many discoveries that we made in the meantime about fire and the ability to use tools ensured our survival. Agriculture was another important tool that ensured continuous source of energy for humans. As the humans continued to survive by developing various means, they also developed binding with people in their own groups and with other people in other groups. The earliest form of interaction included the hunter-gatherer societies. The human menstrual cycle changed which allowed humans to produce more offspring. However, this also meant that females had lesser contribution in the production of food, further with the onset of agriculture and domestication, the condition only grew worse. The various bands
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Principles of tax income law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Principles of tax income law - Essay Example In John’s case, he is an employee of a real estate agent but he is carrying out personalised investment activities. This can be seen with the purchase of the motel in order to sell it out as a kindergarten later. A purchase of this kind can be considered as an investment carried out with the intention to make a profit. In terms of the bigger picture, John’s investment activity can be considered as a business activity in ordinary usage since he invests money in order to derive a profit. Receipts or profits created through business activities are treated as ordinary income for most circumstances3 4. In cases where there may be payment complications or where receipts cannot be created from proceeds of business, income may not be seen as ordinary5. However, in John’s case, if the real estate sold out it would have produced a simple income receipt that would have been considered as ordinary income. The onset of the flood and the clearing up of the land can further be considered as business activities on John’s part in order to add value to his property. The assessment that John’s land carried underground hot water reservoirs merely added even more value to his land. John is now being offered money based on the value addition on the motel site he purchased. The value addition activities of John can be seen as business activities analogous to any other value addition properties carried out by any other business. As long as there is â€Å"sufficient connection†between John’s income derived from the sale of land and value addition on the land, John’s income will be categorised as ordinary income according to FCT v Consolidated Press Holdings Ltd (No 2)6 7. A scrutiny of John’s circumstances reveals that he purchased land with a view to make profit and his final transaction with Green Energy results in profit. Such income is considered ordinary income for taxation purposes. Problem Question 1B The capital ga ins tax (CGT) applies to any forms of capital gains made when an asset is disposed off except for certain exemptions. Most exemptions related to CGT in Australia are based on items of personal use as well as exemptions to promote certain business activities. Moreover, the CGT enforced in Australia provides for rollovers under certain circumstances. The contention behind CGT is to tax income that falls within the capital gain category so that it cannot be drained off for other purposes. Assessments for CGT rely on considering any net gains as part of the taxable income structure for a single tax year8. The net gains may result from the sale of owned assets or from any other forms of disposal of assets. Any form of assets held by an individual for a period of one year or more are given a fifty percent discount when considering the CGT on disposal9. CGT was introduced to Australia in 1985 and any assets held by a person before this are exempt from CGT. Assets acquired by a person in or after 1985 are considered alone in CGT deductions10. In the case of Kimberly, her assets were mostly formed well after 1985 so CGT applies to most of her assets except those that are exempt under current CGT laws. In addition to this observation, it is noteworthy that up to 1999, CGT applied after an assessment of the consumer price index (CPI). Under this scheme, changes in the price of an asset due to consumption
Monday, January 27, 2020
Conflict Resolution and Communication in Healthcare
Conflict Resolution and Communication in Healthcare Reflective Writing on Critical Incident in the Clinical Experience with Integration of Leadership Theories in Analysis. This write up aims at exploring a conflict that occurred in an urban private hospital concerning a patient, relatives and medical team. Its purpose is to reflect and critically study and understand a clinical incident and use it as a learning episode by use of reflective model. To identify the measures put in place to manage the conflict and the type of leadership skills and leadership theories used to resolve the conflict. Gibbs reflective cycle will be used to expound on the scenario as it unfolded. This is because Gibbs is clear and thus allows description, analysis and evaluation of the experience helping me to make sense of experiences and examines my practice (Gibbs, 1988). Conflict can be defined as disagreement in which the people involved feels that their needs, interests and concerns are threatened. Health care related conflicts are complicated because the care process is ongoing and involving a lot of emotional effort and professional relationships therefore tends to occur frequently and thus interpersonal conflicts, (Johansen, 2012) Incident description I once worked in private urban hospital and while there on my practice I encountered a scenario that left me thinking on how well our patients are informed and involved in their care. On this particular day I reported to work as usual and received the report in a high dependency unit, about the unit and the patients admitted. Special report given was that there were some pending investigative procedures on two patients to be facilitated by one consultant. This investigation were requested on the previous day therefore follow up was to be done during this shift to ensure they are done. After receiving the report we went for quick unit round and assessed the patient status and then the unit manager embarked on contacting the consultant to come and do the tests, efforts to trace him were futile since his phone was not going through. The unit manager contacted the second on call for the same and said that he was out of town thus not in a position of performing the test the same day. In this particular organization the patient and relatives are appraised on daily basis of everything that it’s to be done therefore the relatives were eagerly waiting for the test result when they came back during the visiting. When the relatives came back they wanted to know the test results unfortunately they were not available because the test had not been done, the manager and the doctor covering the unit tried to explain to them in vain. They became very furious and agitated and started using abusive language. Efforts to make them understand were futile. They walked out of the unit to have a discussion among themselves and in 30minutes they were back demanding that their patient be discharged against medical advice so that they can outsource the service elsewhere saying â€Å"you people do not care about our patient but we care about him and we are ready do anything possible to facilitate this test been done†. They signed the form for leaving against medical advice and left. From this episode a crisis meeting was convened to include the medical director, director of nursing the unit in-charge and the doctor who was covering the unit then and a critical analysis and evaluation of the scenario was done and it was resolved that this particular consultant always have an issue with his patient whenever he is on call and therefore it was agreed that the director of medical services and nursing service will meet with the doctor and have a one on one discussion in order to prevent a recurrence. It was also agreed that we follow up on this particular patient and find out what was their progress and whether they went for the test and to even apologize to them and let them understand that we care and patients interest come first and only that there was a problem on that day, the patient was traced and found to be doing well and they never went for the test on that particular day they had to wait until the next since they could not get the service where they went because it’s the same consultant who doing the procedure in that facility and therefore opted to come back to our facility for readmission and they very apologetic and remorseful for the actions â€Å"we regret our action and we want to apologize for unnecessary attention that we demanded for while your efforts was to ensure for better outcome of patient. We are sincerely sorry for the disturbance and our shameful acts†we reassured the relatives and readmitted the patient for continued care. Feelings This experience made me feel like we failed no matter how we tried explaining to the client and his relatives it never seemed to be working. I also felt that we failed to meet our goal of ensuring that patients are satisfied with the services they receive, though the unit manager was very composed throughout this situation and handled the relatives with a lot of care and caution she never seemed to be worked up by their demand. This leader portrayed very good qualities that I really admired and felt that I should emulate, she had a good charisma. Felt that she was a transformational leader because she displayed charisma and we as her juniors followed her way of instituting measures in place. She was able to reason with the relatives and explain on the events as they were unfolding even though they never paid any attention or reasoned with her, she explained of the challenge we were facing in the situation. She engaged the relative by stimulating them to understand through use of logical questions and exploring on their assumptions (Hendel, Fish Galon, 2005). I also felt the manager had some qualities of transactional leader because she was able to monitor the performance and step in to correct the situations as they arose and also utilized passive management since the problem arose unexpectedly and therefore rushed in to handle the situations (Hendel, Fish Galon, 2005). Utilization of these skills gave the manager an upper hand in handling the furious relatives and creating their understanding even though they decided to leave the hospital. Convening a crisis meeting by the management was a very important step as this created an opportunity to address the issue as it happened and come up with solutions to prevent recurrence and provide steps in handling the situation in case it recurs. The affected consultant was also give an opportunity to explain what transpired and he had a genuine reason because he was in theater doing a procedure and he called back to the facility after he was done to inquire why we were calling him them. I felt that the relatives also have role to play during care of their loved by been supportive and establishing a trusting professional relationship with the health professional to establish a common working ground. Decision to withdraw the patient from the hospital was solely made by the relative and the patient felt vulnerable and tossed around since he could not make sound decision there compromising on the patient care in the name of seeking for a service. Evaluation This episode provided a learning situation for me as I experience how difficult it might be in handling clients that you have already established a professional relationship with, and with all efforts to try and let the clients understand the situation by providing them with information. What was good about this incident is that the manager was very calm and composed all through and understood the feelings of the relatives concerning their loved one. She was able to utilize her skills optimally to handle the situation. What was bad about the situation is that the investigation was not carried out and the clients felt ignored or left out and thus opted to leave the hospital and seek services elsewhere as fate would have its way they never accessed the services on the material day because most of them are outsourced and the same consultant does the procedure in the facility they went too. They were embarrassed by their behavior and even come back to apologize on the same and we reassur ed them. Eventually they brought the patient for readmission. Study done in an Israel hospital on conflict resolution on nursing managers indicated that they mostly utilized transformational leadership style because it allows for creativity and flexibility in problem solving and scrutinizing all protocols and policies set to manage situation through critical analysis (Hendel, Fish Galon, 2005). Actions to withdraw the patient and interrupt care compromised on the patient health status and even the expected outcome. Analysis From this situation the patient’s relatives were right in demanding for action because they had been explained about the test, its importance and why the result may be needed to make decision on the way forward in patient’s management. On the same case having not done the test on the same day would not have worsened patient’s condition and still medical management would still be ongoing as we awaited the test to be done. The crisis meeting organized ensured the lasting solution is availed in order to improve on patient care and therefore a ensure quality care leading to better patient outcome. To effectively resolve a conflict a better understanding should be ensured through clear communication and understanding the crisis leading to disagreement. Therefore conflict resolution becomes an important aspect in prevention of errors occurring (Sportsman Hamilton, 2007). The unit manager utilized the transformational theory and understood that followers are an important aspect to facilitate leadership and that the follower is always accountable and with skills to critiques scenarios and issues as they unfold just like the leader does. Similar to the incident the manger took control of the situation vividly which was a learning opportunity for in the unit that day as potential leaders (Daft, 2008). Conclusion From this incident it can be concluded that the health team played their part well though an element of ineffective communication is evident since the relatives were aware that the test needed to be done in order to make decision on the management therefore emphasis had been put across thus explains their fury when it was not done. Leadership experience plays an important role in ensuring or equipping the leader with skills to handle situation in future thus creating an understanding of the theories used in leadership. For one to be effective leader one must learn whom they are what are the strengths and weaknesses establish a personal philosophy and be strong to stand firm and represent what we believe in terms of patients care and skills of conflict resolution (Daft, 2008). Action plan To work as a team is an important aspect of nursing and that effective communication is paramount in ensuring that the patient and relatives are well informed on the care provided to their loved ones. This experience has been an eye opener in me and it has made me realize that I can never be ready to solve a conflict this because each occurrence is always unique and present in a different manner, therefore utilization of leaderships skills become important. This will change the current practice because more emphasis will be on passing information to the relevant bodies. References. Daft, R.L. (2008). The Leadership experience. Mason, OH: SouthWestern. Gibbs, G., (1988) Learning by doing: a guide to teaching and learning methods, Oxford Polytechnic Further Education unit. Hendel T., Fish M Galon V. (2005) Leadership style and choice of strategy in conflict management among Israeli nurse managers in general hospitals; Journal of Nursing Management 13, 137–146 Mary L. Johansen (2012 ) Keeping the peace: Conflict management strategies for nurse managers Nursing Management: 43 ( 2) doi: 10.1097/01.NUMA.0000410920.90831.96 Sportsman S, Hamilton P(2007;). Conflict management styles in the health professions. J Prof Nurs. 23(3):157–166.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Computers In Modern Life Essay
Cause / Effect Essay Many phenomena, events, situations and trends can be better understood by describing their causes and effects. The cause and effect essay explains what happens and why it happens. Cause / Effect Essay Specific Vocabulary Obesity is a cause of / a reason for premature death. Media coverage affects / influences voting patterns. Media coverage leads to / gives rise to / brings about changes in voting patterns. Voting patterns are affected / are influenced by media coverage. Stress causes / produces / results in low exam scores. Low exam scores are caused by / are produced by / result from stress. Low exam scores are a consequence of / are a result of / are due to / the effect of stress. When / If there is constant economic instability, currency crashes occur. As a result of / As a consequence of constant economic instability, currency crashes occur. There is constant economic instability. As a result, / As a consequence, / Consequently, / Thus, / Therefore, / Hence, / For this reason, currency crashes occur. Because / Since / As some areas face extreme weather conditions, there is damage to property. Owing to / On account of / Because of / Due to the fact that some areas face extreme weather conditions, there is damage to property. Owing to / On account of / Because of / Due to extreme weather conditions, there is damage to property. Owing to / On account of / Because of / Due to extreme weather conditions, damage to property occurs. Cause / Effect Essay Structure While writing a cause / effect essay, the order of the main points given in the thesis statement is followed in body paragraphs. The following example is an outline for a cause essay about the reasons for cities becoming overcrowded. Thesis statement: There are two main reasons why these and other cities are becoming so crowded; one economic, the other socio-cultural. 1st body: economic reasons 1. cities are engines of development. 2nd body: socio-cultural reasons 1. education 2. urbanization The following example is an outline for an effect essay about the effects of the computer on life. Thesis statement: The two main areas in which computers have brought about a profound change in our lives are in the economic field and in the field of communications. 1st body: economic effects 1. computers in business 2. computers and national economies 2nd body: effects on communication 1. e-mail 2. globalization The sample shows essay organization Why are Cities Becoming Overcrowded? General Statements The fact that the world’s cities are getting more and more crowded is well-known. Cities such as Tokyo, Sao Paolo, Bombay and Shanghai are now considered ‘mega-cities’, because of their enormous size and huge populations. There are two main reasons why these and other cities are becoming so crowded; one economic, the other socio-cultural. First, the primary cause of cities becoming so crowded is economic. As a country develops, its cities become the engines of development, thus jobs are available in these areas. Frankfurt, Istanbul, Bombay and Sao Paolo are all the economic centres of their countries. For example, Tokyo was the motor for Japan’s rapid economic development in the 1960’s and 70’s; as a result, its population increased rapidly. People moved to Tokyo because they could find employment and establish economic security for themselves and their families there. Second, another factor in the huge increase in urban populations is the socio-cultural factor. Thousands of people migrate to the cities not only for jobs but also for educational and personal reasons. The better universities are always located in big cities and this attracts thousands of students every year, and these students stay on and work in the city after they graduate. Moreover, young people will move to the city as the villages and rural areas are more custom and tradition oriented. Therefore, young people believe this is an obstacle to their personal freedom. Thesis Statement Topic Sentence Topic Sentence Concluding Sentence In conclusion, economic and cultural factors are the major causes of huge urban population. People will always move to the areas which provide opportunity and to the places which can give them the freedom they desire. Final Thought The sample shows essay connectors Why are Cities Becoming Overcrowded? The fact that the world’s cities are getting more and more crowded is well-known. Cities such as Tokyo, Sao Paolo, Bombay and Shanghai are now considered ‘mega-cities’, because of their enormous size and huge populations. There are two main reasons why these and other cities are becoming so crowded; one economic, the other socio-cultural. First, the primary cause of cities becoming so crowded is economic. As a country develops, its cities become the engines of development, thus jobs are available in these areas. Frankfurt, Istanbul, Bombay and Sao Paolo are all the economic centres of their countries. For example, Tokyo was the motor for Japan’s rapid economic development in the 1960’s and 70’s; as a result, its population increased rapidly. People moved to Tokyo because they could find employment and establish economic security for themselves and their families there. Second, another factor in the huge increase in urban populations is the socio-cultural factor. Thousands of people migrate to the cities not only for jobs but also for educational and personal reasons. The better universities are always located in big cities and this attracts thousands of students every year, and these students stay on and work in the city after they graduate. Moreover, young people will move to the city as the villages and rural areas are more custom and tradition oriented. Therefore, young people believe this is an obstacle to their personal freedom. In conclusion, economic and cultural factors are the major causes of huge urban population. People will always move to the areas which provide opportunity and to the places which can give them the freedom they desire. The sample shows essay specific vocabulary Why are Cities Becoming Overcrowded? The fact that the world’s cities are getting more and more crowded is well-known. Cities such as Tokyo, Sao Paolo, Bombay and Shanghai are now considered ‘mega-cities’, because of their enormous size and huge populations. There are two main reasons why these and other cities are becoming so crowded; one economic, the other socio-cultural. First, the primary cause of cities becoming so crowded is economic. As a country develops, its cities become the engines of development, thus jobs are available in these areas. Frankfurt, Istanbul, Bombay and Sao Paolo are all the economic centres of their countries. For example, Tokyo was the motor for Japan’s rapid economic development in the 1960’s and 70’s; as a result, its population increased rapidly. People moved to Tokyo because they could find employment and establish economic security for themselves and their families there. Second, another factor in the huge increase in urban populations is the soc io-cultural factor. Thousands of people migrate to the cities not only for jobs but also for educational and personal reasons. The better universities are always located in big cities and this attracts thousands of students every year, and these students stay on and work in the city after they graduate. Moreover, young people will move to the city as the villages and rural areas are more custom and tradition oriented. Therefore, young people believe this is an obstacle to their personal freedom. In conclusion, economic and cultural factors are the major causes of huge urban population. People will always move to the areas which provide opportunity and to the places which can give them the freedom they desire. The sample shows essay organization What effects has the computer had on our lives? The twenty-first century is already turning out to be the century of the computer. The computer revolution that started after the Second World War is now developing exponentially and computers are beginning to influence and take over nearly every aspect of our lives. Computers are clearly changing and affecting society in many ways. The two main areas in which computers have brought about a profound change in our lives are in the economic field and in the field of communications. The computer has led to immense changes in economic and business life. First, businesses now have to be computerised or they risk failure. Every big corporation bases its operations on computing, regardless of which sector they are in. For example, Coca-Cola, the BBC and Levi’s market and sell different products and services, yet they all share one basic property – without computers their operations would collapse. Second, computing is an economic dynamo. Japan, China, India and many other countries have large IT sectors which drive their economies upwards. Furthermore, the developed world is moving from an industrial-based economy to a computer and IT-based one. It is not just in business that computers have affected us so profoundly; communication has been revolutionised totally. Firstly, whereas before, people wrote letters, which would often take weeks to reach their destinations, or speak on the phone, which was terribly expensive, now they e-mail. For instance, instead of waiting weeks for a letter now, we can read it instantly, seconds after it’s been written. Secondly, many people use computers to communicate with people all around the world using chat rooms and chat programs, this was impossible before the computer became widespread. As a result, now people who live thousands of kilometres away from each other can communicate as much as they want and whenever they want using e-mail and/or chat rooms. Concluding Sentenc e Topic Sentence General Statements Thesis Statement Topic Sentence In conclusion, computers have had a profound effect on our lives in many ways and it is in business and communication that they have had the greatest influence. In the future, if the computer continues evolving at such speed, our business practices and methods of communication will undergo even more radical changes. Final Thought The sample shows essay connectors What effects has the computer had on our lives? The twenty-first century is already turning out to be the century of the computer. The computer revolution that started after the Second World War is now developing exponentially and computers are beginning to influence and take over nearly every aspect of our lives. Computers are clearly changing and affecting society in many ways. The two main areas in which computers have brought about a profound change in our lives are in the economic field and in the field of communications. The computer has led to immense changes in economic and business life. First, businesses now have to be computerised or they risk failure. Every big corporation bases its operations on computing, regardless of which sector they are in. For example, Coca-Cola, the BBC and Levi’s market and sell different products and services, yet they all share one basic property – without computers their operations would collapse. Second, computing is an economic dynamo. Japan, China, India and many other countries have large IT sectors which drive their economies upwards. Furthermore, the developed world is moving from an industrial-based economy to a computer and IT-based one. It is not just in business that computers have affected us so profoundly; communication has been revolutionised totally. Firstly, whereas before, people wrote letters, which would often take weeks to reach their destinations, or speak on the phone, which was terribly expensive, now they e-mail. For instance, instead of waiting weeks for a letter now, we can read it instantly, seconds after it’s been written. Secondly, many people use computers to communicate with people all around the world using chat rooms and chat programs, this was impossible before the computer became widespread. As a result, now people who live thousands of kilometres away from each other can communicate as much as they want and whenever they want using e-mail and/or chat rooms. In conclusion, computers have had a profound effect on our lives in many ways and it is in business and communication that they have had the greatest influence. In the future, if the computer continues evolving at such speed, our business practices and methods of communication will undergo even more radical changes. The sample shows essay specific vocabulary What effects has the computer had on our lives? The twenty-first century is already turning out to be the century of the computer. The computer revolution that started after the Second World War is now developing exponentially and computers are beginning to influence and take over nearly every aspect of our lives. Computers are clearly changing and affecting society in many ways. The two main areas in which computers have brought about a profound change in our lives are in the economic field and in the field of communications. The computer has led to immense changes in economic and business life. First, businesses now have to be computerised or they risk failure. Every big corporation bases its operations on computing, regardless of which sector they are in. For example, Coca-Cola, the BBC and Levi’s market and sell different products and services, yet they all share one basic property – without computers their operations would collapse. Second, computing is an economic dynamo. Japan, China, India and many other countries have large IT sectors which drive their economies upwards. Furthermore, the developed world is moving from an industrial-based economy to a computer and IT-based one. It is not just in business that computers have affected us so profoundly; communication has been revolutionised totally. Firstly, whereas before, people wrote letters, which would often take weeks to reach their destinations, or speak on the phone, which was terribly expensive, now they e-mail. For instance, instead of waiting weeks for a letter now, we can read it instantly, seconds after it’s been written. Secondly, many people use computers to communicate with people all around the world using chat rooms and chat programs, this was impossible before the computer became widespread. As a result, now people who live thousands of kilometres away from each other can communicate as much as they want and whenever they want using e-mail and/or chat rooms. In conclusion, computers have had a profound effect on our lives in many ways and it is in business and communication that they have had the greatest influence. In the future, if the computer continues evolving at such speed, our business practices and methods of communication will undergo even more radical changes.
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