Thursday, December 26, 2019
Advertising Bigotry the Foundation - 888 Words
In the past, the ideals of American society incorporated numerous stereotypes that even today cause detrimental effects within our infrastructure. The lasting belief of women and African Americans’ inferiority and its harrowing portrayal in advertisements originates from the very distant past. Seemingly from the beginning of time, women all over the world were viewed as lesser individuals therefore they received lesser roles in their society. Since the 18th century, when America first began colonization, women were expected to accomplish subsidiary household management tasks, such as cooking, sewing, and other domestic chores. From the 18th century to the Women’s Rights Movement in the mid-19th century, the roles of women faced meager advancement only strengthening the subservience of women in our society’s ideologies. As women’s inferiority became a part of America’s philosophical framework, the belief of the lowliness of African Americans surfaced and fused with our society’s ideals as well. For over 150 years, our culture wholeheartedly supported the atrocious treatment of African Americans and defended the harrowing subsidiary views of this specific race. From enslavement to outright discrimination, the African American race has been regularly subjected to devastating stereotyping since the 18th century. The traumatic stereotypes that were prevalent centuries ago are still predominant in today’s society and are exemplified in advertisements nationwide. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Canada s Prisons Are The New Resdiential School Essay
CANADA’S PRISONS ARE THE ‘NEW RESDIENTIAL SCHOOL’ Nancy Macdonald (2016), an editor who works for the Maclean’s, writes an article on the way Indigenous and non-Indigenous citizens are treated by the law and police force. At least 36 per cent of the women and 25 per cent of men, who are Indigenous, were already sentenced to provincial and territorial custody in Canada. Nancy explains, from these scores, these statistics make up at least 4 per cent of the national population. She also explains, if you add in the federal prisons, the statistics will now account for 22.8 per cent Indigenous inmates of the total incarcerated population. Statistics show how black men are six times more likely to go to prison than white men. Just like the US, Canada, as Nancy explains, the Indigenous incarceration rate is 10 times higher than the non-Indigenous population, which unfortunately is high than South Africa at the height of apartheid. If you live in Saskatchewan, and you are Indigenous, you are 33 times more likely to be incarcerated. Due to this statistic and many more, this is the reason why prison guard is among he fastest-growing public sector occupations on the Prairie. In Prairie courtrooms, Indigenous defendants now make up 85 per cent of the criminal caseloads, defense lawyers claim. At a nearby Stony Mountain Institution, Indigenous men make up 65 per cent of the inmate population. These men are often there because they fail to comply with a condition of bail, or they are
Monday, December 9, 2019
Marketing Analysis for Brotherhood Books-
Question: Write about theMarketing Analysis for Brotherhood Book. Answer: Introduction Marketing is a management process of an organisation that exchanges relationship with the desired customers. Marketing is an activity of an organisation for communication and creating offers for the consumers, partners and clients at large. This study aims to analyse the marketing activities and opportunities of selected organisation Brotherhood Books. Moreover, in the first section of the assignment, this study will focus on market segmentation and target market of the organisation. The objectives of the organisation will be discussed. In the next section, Marketing Mix of the organisation will be analysed light of Brotherhood Books. Lastly, appropriateness of partnership business model for the chosen organisation will be justified. Overview of Organisation Brotherhood Books is a famous social enterprise under Brotherhood of St. Lawrence. This organisation encourages people to donate their used books for recycling or to the poor people. This organisation asks people to contribute funds for charitable purposes. Brotherhood Books organisation has been working for last 10 years and the organisation received more than 45 tonnes of books that have been donated to them (, 2017). The organisation sorted and cleaned those donated books and sell through their website. This organisation is in Sydney and one can get the desired books on their doorstep also. This organisation has its community stores and one can browse these books around Victoria. Target Market Main bases of segmentation can be done in four categories. The first segment is geographic segmentation and this includes customer, location, region, urban and classification. Brotherhood Books organisation can target people who live near the community stores around Victoria or they can target the people all over the Australia. The second segment is demographic segmentation and this segmentation is done based on age, gender, occupation, socioeconomic group of customers (Huang Sarigll, 2014). In this respect, Brotherhood Books organisation can target people who are aged and belong from high social class. The people who belong to niche class surely have the habit of reading books and they can purchase and donate books. The third segment is based on behavioural and this is based on the rate and usage, loyalty status of the customers, readiness to purchase products and benefits from the organisation. Moreover, Brotherhood Books organisation can target to the loyalty of the customers who have sympathetic heart towards the poor people and can donate books. Lastly, psychographic segmentation is all about personality, lifestyles, attitudes and class of the customers. Basically, Brotherhood Books can target the upper-class people who have a tendency to read books and socially aware. Upper aged people can be targeted as they can purchase and donate the books accordingly. Higher income level people buy books in most of the time and attitudes towards society can influence to donate books. Objectives of the company To increase the donators of book by 3% within one year To increase the financial profitability of the organisation by 5% within two years To open new community stores in Melbourne and Perth To set up a customer base in Australia using the website and social networking sites Products There are three levels of products that an organisation can offer to the customers. In the first place, there is the core product' and it is an intangible product. The core product cannot be touched and it is benefits one can get from a product (Solomon, 2014). It makes the product valuable. The second level is actual' product and it is tangible. Customers can touch products and can use the products. Lastly, the third level is about augmented product'. This product is non-physical and it has added-value. In case of Brotherhood Books, the organisation's products are used and second-hand books. In this sense, the actual products are second-hand books that can be touched by the customers. The core product is feelings one can have while buying or donating the books for greater purposes. Augmented product in this sense is the membership one can have when donating a book for bigger purposes. The customers can have second-hand books and it is minimal prices from community stores. Price The organisation is a social enterprise and they take pricing decision sensibly. In this case, the organisation needs to determine low-pricing strategy. It can help the organisation to have a large number of customers. In case of donation, the organisation can sell donated books at low price. A Greater percentage of poor people can have these books. Through low-pricing, customers can buy quality books and can contribute to the charitable trust. The organisation does not look for profit and they reinvest the profit 100% to the bigger cause. Place Putting the right products in right place is necessary for marketing (Mintz Currim, 2013). Moreover, place signifies the stores and outlets from where one customer can purchase the products. It also means distribution channels that the organisation used in delivering or supplying the products. Setting at the right place for selling the products is important, in case of Brotherhood Books, the organisation evaluates location for community stores and they chose Victoria for it. Around Victoria, this organisation has many stores, at City HG, Burnside Eltham and other places. The organisation has a head office in Sydney and they have their website, one can buy from there also. Potential clients can be made actual clients by setting community stores at right place. Promotion Promotional activities are important to sell any product to the customers. Second-hand books are sold through marketing agencies or through websites. New customers or donators must know about the organisation and its new stores. Moreover, the organisation can promote their activities through social media, organising social events and banners. As it is a social enterprise, their social cause can be promoted in a cost-effective way through social media pages. Organising events can be beneficial as it may help the organisation to have donors. Brotherhood Books can organise fundraising events where they can ask people to donate charity and books for noble purposes. Partners Business model Partnership in business is important as it shares the responsibilities in a business (Dibb, 2017). Moreover, it is important for a partner to make a valid partnership. In flexible partnership, an organisation makes a partnership with the community in most of the time. Making partnership is not necessary; the organisation needs to make key activities with sharing their resources accordingly (Brown Churchill, 2014). The value proposition is important in this respect with making customer relationship. Customers are important as well as donors for Brotherhood Books store. Utilising the channels of marketing, the organisation can share cost and revenue. Develop flexible plan is necessary for dynamic business plan. Now, Brotherhood Books makes partnership with Victoria based community and opens many stores. In cases, partners need to pivot when plans are not working. Brotherhood Books need to make an association with the community and a community-based group will provide benefits to the o rganisation in evolving business model and access donors. Brotherhood Books needs to adapt quickly. Brotherhood books can make partnership agreements that must define expectation and this may create a win-win situation for the organisation. Conclusion Brotherhood Books sell the old books to the disadvantaged people and one can donate the books to the organisation. The firm is mainly present in the website and they have their stores in Victoria. Moreover, they make the target to the upper-class people with aged people who can donate books. Pricing option is kept as low and they need to promote through social media in meeting the objectives to achieve the customer base and making new stores at different places. Marketing well can create lasting relationship with the customers that can provide benefits to Brotherhood Books to improve brand image and recognition. Reference List About Brotherhood Books | Brotherhood Books. (2017). Retrieved 25 August 2017, from Brown, T. J., Churchill, G. A. (2014).Basic marketing research: Customer insights and managerial action. London: Cengage Learning. Dibb, S. (2017). Changing Times for Social Marketing Segmentation. InSegmentation in Social Marketing. 6(3), 41-59 Granot, E., Alejandro, T. B., Russell, L. T. M. (2014). A socio-marketing analysis of the concept of cute and its consumer culture implications.Journal of Consumer Culture,14(1), 66-87. Huang, R., Sarigll, E. (2014). How brand awareness relates to market outcome, brand equity, and the marketing mix. InFashion Branding and Consumer Behaviors. 3(2), 113-132 Mintz, O., Currim, I. S. (2013). What drives managerial use of marketing and financial metrics and does metric use affect performance of marketing-mix activities?.Journal of Marketing,77(2), 17-40. Solomon, M. R. (2014).Consumer behaviour: Buying, having and being (Vol. 10). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Vecchiato, D., Tempesta, T. (2015). Public preferences for electricity contracts including renewable energy: A marketing analysis with choice experiments.Energy,88, 168-179.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Motivations to Settle in the American Colonies free essay sample
Motivations to Settle in the American Colonies Sailing across the Atlantic to access all the possibilities for religious, social, economic and political liberty, promoted by the colonies, had its risks. These risks seemed insignificant compared to the aspirations of a more hopeful and liberal life. Even though some colonies showed economic potential, they still used religious diversity as a motivational tool. Besides, the New World offered a remarkably tolerant environment for those seeking an escape route from religious persecutions and conflicts; also an avenue to islocate from the interference and control of the government. Therefore, religious freedom was more an incentive to settle in the American colonies than the outlook for economic attainment. Lutheranism paved the way by means of the Protestant Reformation causing much controversy among religions and instilling new aspirations in people; thus leading to the exploration and development of colonies in the New World. This was a great movement that had an astounding effect on the future generations of settlers to come. We will write a custom essay sample on Motivations to Settle in the American Colonies or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Some colonies were founded solely on religion and encouraged more to do the same. The â€Å"Pilgrim†colony of Plymouth, Massachusetts was influenced by the Separatists (so named for separating from the Church of England), who had not found religious contentment in Holland either and departed for the freewill atmosphere of America. Another group of Puritans, the Massachusetts Bay Company which included many people of substantial wealth and position, followed in their steps. On the other hand, they, under the leadership of John Winthrop, hoped to unite together in an effort to restore the church through their settlement being a model of undying faith and godliness. Yet another colony established for exclusive, religiously motivated purpose was Maryland. The Roman Catholics, under George Calvert (Lord Baltimore) had fled from religious persecution of the Protestants in England. Later Protestants followed seeking some of the wealth from tobacco, influencing the development of the Maryland Toleration Act to guarantee endurance of the Catholics. In addition, the Quaker advocate William Penn obtained the proprietorship of Pennsylvania to establish a tolerant environment with religious freedom based on political and ethical standards. Furthermore, the colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island were established from other colonies as a religious refuge for nonconformists. In an effort to increase population for the purpose of more profits, several colonies began using religious diversity as a lure to attract immigrants. New York and New Jersey, and eventually Pennsylvania, utilized these tactics for this reason. North Carolina and South Carolina also used these methods of persuasion to increase the sugar plantations to bring in more revenue for their colonies. Moreover, Georgia was set p for debtors and outlaws, but yet its first settlers were German Lutherans and Calvinists escaping religious persecution in their homeland. Thus religion is still yet the motivator in all these cases. Although, one obvious cause for economic motivation was in the early 17th century when the poverty level affected immense numbers of peasants; thus these people, being poverty-stricken and discouraged, succumbed to life as indentured ser vants in exchange for their independence and manual labor to make this long treacherous journey in hopes of finding a safe haven in the New World . Overall, religious concerns had more of an impact on enticing immigrants to make the ultimate decision of settling in the New World. While some people were in search for riches (such as Monarchs and joint-stock companies) to enhance the wealth of their homeland; the majority were seeking refuge from the overwhelming magnitude of discontent due to strict guidelines on their religion, constant persecution, and an never ending display of controversy between faiths. This still continues to be an undying dream for all people trying to find their true individuality and freedom of conscience.
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